Reg. No. A0003398L
ABN: 30 619 667 521
The Friendly Society
Corporate Member: The Orchid Societies Council of Victoria ( Australia )
The Maroondah Orchid Society was formed in the month of April 1978 by orchid enthusiasts who predominately lived in the vicinity of the Maroondah Highway, a main thoroughfare through the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, hence the name Maroondah Orchid Society (MOS). MOS became an Incorporated Society in December 1984.
The purposes of the society as expressed in the current Rules (adopted January 2014) are to:
(1) Promote amongst Members and the general public an appreciation of orchids and their culture;
(2) Encourage affiliations with orchid societies both within Australia and overseas;
(3) Hold shows, displays, seminars and other similar functions;
(4) Provide a meeting place for members and others interested in orchid culture for their mutual benefit and fellowship; and
(5) Promote the conservation of the orchids of Australia in their natural habitat and to discourage the destruction of such natural habitats.
All meetings are held at Parkmore Primary School, 38-54 Jolimont Road, Forest Hill on the third Friday of each Month, with the exception of January.
The meeting commences at 8.00pm with the hall open at 7.00pm for members to bench their plants. A early bird session commences at 7.15pm for newer members and other interested growers.
Meetings include:
• Display and Judging of members plants.
• Guest speakers.
• Sale of plants and orchid growing accessories.
Membership enquiries should be made on the following page: Membership
Visitor are always welcome to come along to the meetings. Meetings always include time for a cuppa and a chat.